Black Women Are Not Attractive Site

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  1. I have had this argument with many women. Maybe I am wrong. But I feel that if a woman REFUSES to date black men, she is in some way a racist. Many white girls who refuse to date black guys tell me that does not mean they are racist. They say that they listen to rap and have a few black friends and see blacks as equals, but they just do not see them as "marrying material".

    It is more than the fact that they are just not attracted to them. Not being attracted to a certain race does not make you racist against them. I understand that. But all these girls have told me that they do not believe in IR marriage at all. They believe that blacks and whites can be friends and that's it. I have told them that my opinion is the pure definition of racism is not seeing other races on equal ground as yourself.

    They feel that they are not racists since they aren't running around lynching blacks. I tried to say no, that doesn't matter. I don't care if you can be friends with them, as long as you think blacks are not equal enough to fuck and marry, then you still see them as less than whites, and therefore, even though you aren't an out and out, vicious murdering racist, you are still in some form a racist. Am I right? What do you all think?

  2. I think you're asking one question in your title and one in your post which is vaguely confusing.

    The answer to the title is: No.

    It is discriminatory to see black men as not marriage material or inferior because of their colour, however. As well as being simply ridiculous. I really think you need to make some new friends!

  3. the points you make in your post is correct, but I agree with mistress that the title is misleading.

    If a ww says blacks are equal but think that races can not date or marry, then yest they are racist.

  4. WW choosing not to date or become serious with BM is no more racist than you doing the same to women from your own background. Most WW have a preference for WM, but can appreciate attractiveness in nonwhite men too.
  5. No Rosey it is not the same as me not dating black women. I am not racist against blacks. If you haven't been told...I AM BLACK!
  6. i guess one can say, Oh I am not racist, I just wouldnt want to live in the same neighborhood with one, or I am not sexist, I just wouldnt hire a woman in my company. well thanks, I hope to use these in future to turn the clock back.
  7. well i always assumed maybe 95% of white girl not interested in a black guy, not because they are racist, but because it's not a normal attraction, my question is to figure out the 5% that do have interest!
  8. in the US, the statistic are that 90% of people of all races stay within their racial group to date and marry. so 10% date and marry interracially here.
  9. I don't know if I heard wrong but I think I heard somewhere that California is the only U.S. state where more people are married to someone outside their race than their own race. We ARE making progress...
  10. A lot of that in California is attributed to AW/WM...but a growing number of BM/WW is involved too. I have always believed that people have certain tastes and tendencies they are born with..but that family and society go the furthest in shaping our beliefs. More nurture as opposed to nature I guess. I've heard many WW say they are not interested in BM, but I think it often has more to do with pressure from outside influences than personal preference. I could feel the sexual tension between me and some of my WW friends in the well as see it play out with other people I knew..but the guys and girls just couldn't get over that hump. As usual we get off subject and I'm about to do that right now....I had this girl in a debate class my senior year of high school (she was a sophomore). She was a cheerleader, blonde, perky(and you know the rest). Anyway, she didn't say much to me at first but about a month into the school year she started flirting openly with me in class...and I mean openly. She would tell everyone to "be boyfriend is about to speak" and she would always sit in my lap when she had the chance which was often. I never believed she truly liked me because out in the halls or if we somehow were briefly alone...she would be nice and cool but she wouldn't act like a small cluster of hormones. She would "fondle" me in class and do "interesting" things with her feet when sitting across from day my friends tell me to tell her I'm not interested since I always acted indifferent. I tell her and she acknowledges that she is just playing around with me. But after that...she was very different around me..almost hurt but not quite. I think she was trying to bait me into showing a strong attraction for her, but I couldn't do it until she showed me a consistent manner of acting around me. If you can flirt with me in a classroom of 35 can flirt in the hallway ONE HOUR BEFORE school. I wasn't scared but maybe she was (the whole IR thing) but I don't know....I'm trying to tie this in with the subject but its not working...anyways I need to got study...any thoughts?
  11. No it's not racist.

    If a WW is not attracted to a BM, why should she be called a racist??? Many BM on here are not attracted to BW, does that make them racist? NO

  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    In California, it seems as if many of those IR marriages are probably coming from areas like San Diego, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, and The greater Los Angeles areas (Santa Monica, Pasadena, Hollywood, etc).
  13. No they're not racist, it's their preference.
  14. I don't think anyone is racist because they don't want to date someone who happens to be of another race, but in my opinion they are if they won't date someone BECAUSE they're a different race.

    As are people who think it's OK to fuck them, but not marry them. We've all messed around in the past with idiots who are OK to shag, but they're twats and you don't want to marry them. But that's not the same as enjoying a decent person, but allowing their race as to prevent anything further.

    But we all have preferences, and liking some more than others isn't racist - it's just personal taste.

  15. i think there is beauty in all races, i dont like oriental women but occasionally i see one or two that turn my head, more the exception than the rule, same with black women. i think most ww who dont date bm just havent met the right bm. its a bit different if she is famous she might say it because of hollywood politics and she might be like jenna jameson who says it to please the white men but sleep with black men in private.
  16. Those girls actually are racist. It's just like you said about not believing in interracial dating/marriage, and not being seen as equal enough to fuck or marry. All the reasons they gave you are racist, if you think about it.

    Now, take the term 'refuse.' That's what word you used to describe it. Refusing is racist.

  17. absolutely. one can have a preference for a certain type of person, but to exclude an individual solely on RACE is racist(its the actual definition of racism.

    black women may not be my preference in general, but if i were single and i met a wonderful black women with all the traits i look for in a woman, who is attractive to me, and we share the same interests, you bet I will date her.

    I am not here to be a racial exclusionist--some black women are very beautiful, some are very interesting.

    It is racist to just pick a race of people and say, I will never date or marry them based on who they are racially and what they look like racially.

    Just not many Condis around so very hard to find a black woman with the same traits and interests

  18. I don't think it makes them racist if their own race is their preference. Actually it is natural to be attracted to your own race even at the exclusion of others. If a person is not oppressing another race but prefer their own why are they racist. I think people conveniently label people when they feel rejected by them. If a white girl told me she only dated white and I was attracted to her I would just say oh well and move on to one that did find me attractive. So many black men fully exclude black women and do not feel that they are racist so why should they feel that way about white women who stay in their own race. People take rejection way to hard sometimes.
  19. If people really naturally attracted to their 'own race', then what's with all of these interracial couples in the world then? Makes no sense to say'well, most people prefer their own' just because someone may not be interested in YOU, for reasons that are either racist or not.
  20. I don't know, I think it often is to do with some latent racism maybe.

    People may say "I'm just not attracted to 'them' and I can't help that" (the us and them thing can sometimes be a pretty good signifier), that may be true but I think that lack of willingness when explored may often come down to a predjudice.

    I'm certainly not going to judge anyone for their choice as long as they go about it in a polite manner, just as I don't like to be judged, but I guess deep down I do think that can often have something to do with it.

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