How to Draw the Undertaker Black Butler
Undertaker (
- 1 Appearance
- 2 Personality
- 3 History
- 4 Plot
- 4.1 Red Butler Arc
- 4.2 Circus Arc
- 4.3 Phantomhive Manor Murders Arc
- 4.4 Luxury Liner Arc
- 4.5 Public School Arc
- 4.6 Emerald Witch Arc
- 4.7 Blue Cult Arc
- 4.8 Blue Memory Arc
- 4.9 Blue Revenge Arc
- 6 Trivia
- 7 References
- 8 Navigation

Undertaker reveals his eyes.
Undertaker is a lean man with long gray hair—a part of it is tied in a single braid on the right side of his head—black fingernails, and a jagged scar across his face, neck, and left pinky finger. Like other Grim Reapers, he has chartreuse phosphorescent eyes, which he usually keeps hidden under his hair.
Undertaker often dresses in a black robe, a long crooked top hat, and a gray scarf strapped across his chest and knotted by the hips. He wears black earrings; an emerald ring on his left index finger; a band of prayer beads around his neck; and, formerly, a chain with seven mourning lockets around his hip.

Undertaker's Death Scythe.
While still an active Grim Reaper, Undertaker wore half-framed silver-square glasses, a black trench coat, a white dress shirt, a black tie, black gloves, and black shoes. He did not have any scars on his face and neck, but he did have his ear piercings.
Undertaker's Death Scythe consists of a long curving silver blade extending from a miniature skeleton, whose skull is wrapped in a thorny vine, at the top of the handle; the rib-cage of the skeleton connects to the narrow stem of the handle, which ends in a lower backbone.
Undertaker is an eccentric, enigmatic individual who giggles frequently, appreciates laughter, enjoys frightening others and provoking reactions with his strange mannerisms, and spends a considerable amount of time in coffins.
Because corpses, many of which victims of the underworld, are ordinarily delivered to his place of business, Undertaker is able to inspect them, whom he refers to as his "guests,"[6] remove their organs for research, and obtain useful information, which he refuses to exchange for "the Queen's money,"[7] as he dislikes Queen Victoria;[8] rather, he expects those seeking information on the corpses to amuse him in some way.[7]
Undertaker is profoundly attached to the Phantomhive house,[9] to the degree that he seceded from the Grim Reaper Dispatch to focus his efforts entirely on manipulating life and death in hopes of restoring the late Phantomhives to life.[10] [11] [12] [13] Despite years of experimentation where he resurrects the dead via connecting fake records to their Cinematic Records so that such will never end, he lacks the ability to construct a soul; the corpses he revives are Bizarre Dolls, which are, more or less, "flesh dolls without a self." Nevertheless, he, with steadfast resolve, continues to experiment and sees beauty in his Bizarre Dolls where others see depravity.[14] He considers "Ciel Phantomhive" his masterpiece.[15]
Undertaker regards a particular chain of seven mourning lockets as his "treasure."[16] (Engraved on one of the lockets is: 13 July 1866, Cloudia P.)[17] He eventually entrusts his treasure to Ciel Phantomhive.[18]

Undertaker as a Grim Reaper.
Undertaker is a retired Grim Reaper, and as Grelle Sutcliff and Ronald Knox claim, a "deserter."[11] He had served as a Grim Reaper for a long time, repeatedly reaping souls in a relatively peaceful, indifferent fashion.[12] This earned him the status of the best Grim Reaper in the Retrieval Division.[19] During his time at the Dispatch, Undertaker was only known by his registration number: 136649.[1]

Undertaker's silhouette when he worked as a Grim Reaper.
Eventually, he grew tired of the mundane process: Seventy years ago, Undertaker tried to leave the Dispatch and in his attempt, he destroyed half of its headquarters.[2] Around twenty years later, he tried it again and succeeded.[20]
Sometime later, Undertaker established his funeral parlor, began to experiment and tamper with human life, and became acquainted with Vincent Phantomhive. His intermittent business relations with said Earl earned him the status as one of the "Aristocrats of Evil".[5]
Red Butler Arc

Undertaker in a coffin.
When Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Lau, Angelina Dalles, and Grelle Sutcliff enter his funeral parlor, Undertaker appears out of a coffin, saying he had expected Ciel to come. He invites his visitors to sit on the coffins and distributes tea to them. He guesses correctly that Ciel wishes to gain additional knowledge about the Jack the Ripper case.[21]
Undertaker informs them that there is a certain commonality among all the murdered prostitutes, but he demands compensation before he will reveal the crucial detail. When Lau asks him how much money he wants, Undertaker vigorously approaches him and tells him that he does not care for Queen Victoria's money. He states that he only has one requirement: show him a "first-rate laugh"—in other words, make him laugh hysterically, which is a common trait that he holds dear.[22]
Subsequently, Lau fails to elicit a laugh with his joke, and Angelina's vulgar, obscene anecdote as well do not please Undertaker. An hour later, Undertaker, having successfully taped Lau's and Angelina's mouths, concludes that Ciel is the only one left to make him laugh.[23]

"Show me a first-rate laugh."
However, Sebastian intervenes, signaling that it is his turn. He requests the rest of them to step outside and forbids them from peeking in. Sebastian manages to deliver an impressive joke that sends Undertaker into a wild fit of laughter. Afterward, he agrees wholeheartedly to tell them whatever they want to know.[24]
Undertaker then reveals that Jack the Ripper's victims are all women prostitutes and are missing most of their internal organs-most notably their ovaries. As it is his hobby to take out the organs for research—which causes Lau, Angelina, and Grelle to be wary of their drinks that could have potentially stored a kidney—he was able to discover this important fact. He adds that the organs are removed with such precision that only a medical professional could have committed the crimes and that the victims are whereby former prostitutes with their uteri specifically removed. After relaying the information, Undertaker tests Ciel's resolve, but Ciel ascertains that he will not be afraid and that he will solve all mysteries.[25]
After the murders are solved, at the outside boundaries of an occupied church, Undertaker informs a group of children that a great ceremony is taking place, which is actually Angelina's funeral.[26] At the cemetery, Undertaker has prepared a proper burial for Jack the Ripper's final victim, under Ciel's orders. He says that Ciel is kind for giving a nameless prostitute her own grave, but Ciel dismisses the claim, as he had put catching the killer as his priority rather than saving her life. Undertaker asks if he regrets letting Angelina, his own aunt, die, but Ciel denies it, saying that he does not because with the killer gone, Queen Victoria can be at ease. Undertaker comments that he dislikes the Queen because she leaves the "painful, dirty" work for Ciel to complete. Ciel replies that it is the fate his family has been burdened with, and he has inherited it with his ring. Undertaker retorts that the ring acts as a collar, connecting Ciel and the Queen with a chain called "karma." Ciel tells him that he was the one who decided to the put the collar around his own neck, and Undertaker warns him that it may choke him one day. Then, as he takes his leave, he tells Ciel and Sebastian that they can stop by his parlor anytime.[27]
Circus Arc

Undertaker asks Ciel for laughter.
Ciel and Sebastian visit his funeral parlor again, this time to find out if any of the children abducted by the Noah's Ark Circus have shown up dead. Undertaker insists on receiving his first-rate laugh first, and he challenges Ciel to personally deliver him it himself. Ciel takes quite a deal of time, but at last, Ciel manages to accomplish that, albeit using an implicitly embarrassing method.[28]
Undertaker then reveals that none of the children is one of his "clients" and that he has not heard any rumors from the underworld companies. Ciel believes that Undertaker has deceived him, but Undertaker denies the assumption, pointing out that the nonexistence of the children's corpses serves as a great clue: it is indicative that the children are still alive. As Ciel begins to leave, Undertaker tells him to keep his soul safe.[29]
Several days later, Undertaker observes the burning of Baron Kelvin's manor from afar, while playing with lockets. (On one locket, there is a date and a name engraved: 13 July 1866, Cloudia P.) He says that he had warned Ciel to hold every soul dear, and he states that Ciel will understand the importance of things that cannot be recovered once it is too late.[30]
Phantomhive Manor Murders Arc
After Charles Grey and Charles Phipps deliver a letter from Queen Victoria to Ciel, Ciel tells Sebastian to contact Lau as well as Undertaker.[31] Through Undertaker, Ciel is able to confirm that Karl Woodley has committed a heinous crime.[32]
Later, Undertaker provides a safety coffin for Sebastian's funeral. When a bell installed in it rings, he informs Ciel, Elizabeth Midford, Soma Asman Kadar, Agni, and the servants of the Phantomhive household that that means Sebastian is still alive. They dig him back up, and Undertaker tells them to come back anytime.[33]
Luxury Liner Arc
On April 17, 1889, Undertaker boards the Campania. Three days later,[34] he attends an Aurora Society meeting. He bursts out laughing when he sees Ciel performing the Phoenix pose. When Sebastian asks him why he is there, Undertaker explains that the Karnstein Hospital is a regular customer of his. Ciel presses him for more information, but Undertaker refuses to give it unless Ciel performs the pose again. Ciel and Sebastian are, then, distracted by Aleister Chamber.[35]
The meeting, which is headed by Rian Stoker, commences, but soon develops into a disaster when Margaret Connor is revived as a Bizarre Doll. She then kills her mother and attacks the other attendees, most of which flee from the scene. Undertaker leaves, as well.[36]
Later, Aleister has Undertaker, along with a few others, carry Rian's device, which can supposedly render the Bizarre Dolls inactive. They encounter Ciel and Sebastian in the first-class passenger hallway, and Undertaker is amused when Ciel performs the Phoenix pose again. When Ciel asks him how to activate the device, and Undertaker states that he does not know and that he does not see how the device will be of any help.[37]

Viscount Druitt persuades everyone to show him "The Phoenix!" pose.
At the first-class passenger lounge, Aleister orders them to set down the device. Rian, Grelle, and Ronald Knox arrive. Soon after, Bizarre Dolls invade the area, but Aleister is not willing to activate the device unless they pledge their loyalty to him. When Ronald, Grelle, Sebastian, and Ciel express their desire to kill him, Undertaker reminds them of the device. They, then, including Undertaker, perform Aleister's version of the Phoenix pose. Subsequently, Aleister tries to activate the device, only to realize that it does not work; Undertaker laughs hysterically. Appalled, Rian asks Undertaker if he has fooled him.[38]

Undertaker fights Grelle Sutcliff.
When an exasperated Grelle attempts to kill Aleister, but Undertaker stops them, to everyone's surprise. Undertaker says that he does not want to lose the highly amusing Aleister and acknowledges Grelle as a Grim Reaper. Grelle is stunned that their Death Scythe was unable to cut through Undertaker, who shoots his sotoba at Grelle. Subsequently, Undertaker lifts his bangs, revealing his chartreuse phosphorescent eyes.[39]
Sebastian, Grelle, and Ronald realize that Undertaker is a Grim Reaper. Undertaker asserts that it has been half a century since someone last called him one. Rian approaches Undertaker, demanding answers, and Undertaker discloses the fact that he was simply using Rian, who does not qualify as a doctor, in his perspective, to a disheartened Rian. Ciel deduces that Undertaker is the mastermind behind the Aurora Society's human resurrection experiments, and Undertaker confesses to making the Bizarre Dolls, claiming that he owes Ciel information for doing the Phoenix pose. He describes his previous life as a Grim Reaper and his curiosity toward humans, which led him to edit their Cinematic Records in order to achieve a "continuation" after death. He has Grelle inspect one of the Bizarre Dolls' Cinematic Records for them to see for themselves. Undertaker also explains that Bizarre Dolls seek other people's souls because they lack their own; he was unable to create souls, even after tampering with the Records, and, thus, he named the corpses Bizarre Dolls, as they are not living nor are they dead. When Ciel condemns it, Undertaker says that he does not understand the beauty of it.[40]
Undertaker asserts that there are humans interested in employing Bizarre Dolls as animal weapons, for they do not feel pain or fear and eat the living. Those humans wanted to test the effectiveness of Bizarre Dolls; therefore, an experiment was conducted on the Campania, with the same amount of humans and Bizarre Dolls together in one place, to see how many will survive on each end. He, then, admits that he did not expect for them to crash into an iceberg; because he is no longer working as Grim Reaper, he does not have the soul retrieval list. He adds that he, at least, does not have to go through the trouble of sinking the ship himself, and points out that, due to their interference, a lot more humans survived than anticipated.[41]
Grelle and Ronald resolve to detain Undertaker, who is a "deserter." They attack him but are unsuccessful. Sebastian intervenes as well, stating that he must capture Undertaker, as Ciel must present him to Queen Victoria. The two teams prepare to vie for Undertaker. Undertaker compares it to a rabbit hunt and wonders aloud which rabbit is being hunted. Sebastian, Grelle, and Ronald simultaneously lunge at Undertaker.[42]
During the fight, Undertaker states that Grim Reapers are all heavily nearsighted. Grelle asks him if he is at a disadvantage then, because he does not have his glasses anymore, and successfully cuts his sotoba, much to their surprise as they could not do so at first. Undertaker kicks Grelle while they are distracted. He, then, attacks Ronald, who dodges but his glasses are knocked off his face, causing his eyesight to go blurry. Undertaker kicks Ronald's face, and Grelle throws Ronald's glasses back to its rightful owner, but Sebastian prevents Ronald from catching them with his tableware. Sebastian, then, aims for Undertaker; however, the latter stops the knives with his sotoba asks whether Sebastian thinks that he will be able to take him down with tableware. Sebastian claims that while it may not be as good as a Death Scythe, but it has top-grade sharpness.[43]

Undertaker reveals his very own Death Scythe.
Undertaker taunts the three of them. Ronald, who has gotten back his glasses, and Grelle agree to a head-on attack, as they are running out of time, but are unable to cut Undertaker's sotoba. Grelle maintains that there should be nothing a Death Scythe cannot cut. Undertaker tells them that there is one thing a Death Scythe cannot cut and slashes Grelle and Ronald with his own Death Scythe, which he had smuggled out with him when he quit being a Grim Reaper. Undertaker declares that he will hunt them now, and destroys one of the pillars on the ship, which falls on Grelle and Ronald. Sebastian hurls tables at him, and Undertaker effortlessly cut through them, but soon realizes that it is merely a diversion; Sebastian appears behind Undertaker, saying that he just wanted to get within the wide reach of the Death Scythe. Undertaker affirms that Sebastian's way of thinking is interesting, and says that he will also do something interesting. He, then, takes Ciel as his hostage, to Ciel's and Sebastian's shock. He tells Ciel that he can finally put him in one of his specially-made coffins. Sebastian lunges at him; Undertaker, who has expected this move, tosses Ciel. Sebastian turns around, reaching for Ciel, and is impaled from behind by Undertaker's Death Scythe. Undertaker, who has always been curious about Sebastian's motives, watches Sebastian's Cinematic Record.[44]

Undertaker stabs Sebastian Michaelis.
Sebastian manages to catch Ciel, just as his Cinematic Record finishes playing.[45] Undertaker says that he knew Sebastian would be able to save Ciel and adds that while his Record is interesting, he only makes Ciel miserable, and, so, he will kill him. But, before he can attack, the Campania begins to sink and tilt heavily, and Rian falls to his death. Grelle attacks Undertaker, while Ronald fights Sebastian.[46] Undertaker recognizes Grelle as Angelina Dalles' butler and comments that Grelle also tampered with lives. Grelle calls him nosy and refuses to leave, even after Undertaker points out that time is almost up for them. Sebastian throws Ronald at Grelle, and they crash. Water starts flooding in, and Undertaker decides that it is time for him to leave. Sebastian and Grelle both attack him, and he dodges but drops his chain of lockets, which Ciel grabs. He decides to leave his "treasure" with Ciel and tells him to keep it safe. He, then, bids Ciel farewell, and slices the ship in half with his Death Scythe, disappearing in the process.[47]
Public School Arc

Undertaker reveals that he is the headmaster.
After turning the deceased Derrick Arden into a Bizarre Doll, Undertaker takes on the persona of the headmaster of Weston College. He lets Johann Agares speak for him, and he manages to elude Sebastian upon pursuit. At the midnight tea party, Sebastian, having reached a conclusion, tells him to drop the teacher act. Undertaker then tells Ciel that it was "truly pleasant watching [his] struggle from the grand tier" and that he has offered him the best of laughs. He removes his hat, and he reveals to them that he is, as Sebastian has hypothesized, Undertaker.[48]
He casually greets Ciel, commenting that the Earl is still tiny. He is pleased to know that Ciel has been well, and he then asks about his first experience with group life. Sebastian remarks that Undertaker, prior to taking the headmasters' place, disappeared after closing his shop.[49] Undertaker responds that it is only temporary. After the prefects narrated what had happened with Derrick, Undertaker bursts out laughing.[50]
On the other hand, Ciel notices the difference between the previous corpses they have encountered from Derrick Arden as a Bizarre Doll. Undertaker is delighted by the Earl's observation. Undertaker replies that he will tell him since he has been paid his fee. He states that he has discovered that even the dead can evolve. They have their dreams of the future; this compels them to move forward. Ciel demands to know what he plans to achieve by bringing the dead back to life. Undertaker answers that he wants to know what comes after the predetermined end. As Ciel starts, Sebastian holds onto his arm. Undertaker adds that there might be interesting developments lurking behind the "end credits." Sebastian then interrupts that this where they disagree—because death is such a hopeless and definite end, that is why it is beautiful. After hearing Sebastian's response, Undertaker is silent. Undertaker then announces that he will be taking his leave now; Ciel declares that he will not let him get away again.[51] He orders Sebastian to capture him, but Johann comes to Undertaker's defense. Sebastian comments that he knew it—Agares is also a Bizarre Doll. Undertaker proclaims that Agares was his masterpiece. Derrick's friends suddenly surround the other boys; Ciel yells at everyone to get out of the garden.[52]
Meanwhile, Sebastian states at Undertaker, asking him if he thinks this Doll is enough to hold him—Undertaker is really underestimating him. Undertaker replies that he is not underestimating him—they just have completely different goals. Jolted, Sebastian sees an incredibly realistic simulation of their fight in his mind—Undertaker would easily capture Ciel and use him against him. Alarmed, Sebastian realizes that there is only one course of action—he breaks free from Agares and rushes to Ciel. At the same time, Undertaker escapes, stating confidently he knew that Sebastian would do that—he should continue to loyally protect Ciel forever.[53]
Ciel immediately yells at Sebastian, telling him he ordered him not to let Undertaker get away. Sebastian replies that as per the contract, protecting Ciel's life is his top priority.[54] As he smashes one of the doll's skulls, he adds that he cultivated it, so he will not be robbed of it.[55]
Emerald Witch Arc

Undertaker cries while reflecting Vincent's death.
Undertaker visits Diedrich, telling him that he has something to do in France and decided to stop by. He notes that they have not met since Vincent Phantomhive's funeral and that Diedrich does not visit England often, wondering out loud if it is because Vincent is no longer there or because Diedrich is too weighty. He bursts into laughter, much to Diedrich's chagrin. He then holds up a photo of Vincent and Diedrich during their Weston College days, remarking that humans change very quickly and that Diedrich used to be thin. He quips that Diedrich's coffin must be custom-made, offering to measure Diedrich, but Diedrich refuses. Undertaker adds that Vincent would laugh if he were to see him now, and then sheds a tear while reflecting on Vincent's death. He puts the photo back in its place, commenting that the "Earl of Phantomhive" is still with them, before leaving.[56]
Blue Cult Arc
Undertaker appears in "Ciel Phantomhive"'s room late at night while "Ciel" is asleep and makes him swallow a mysterious liquid. "Ciel" wakes up half-asleep and asks him if it is morning. Undertaker covers his eyes with his hand and tells him to sleep a little longer because it is too early for him to wake up. He then leaves.[57]
Blue Memory Arc
On November 15, in the foyer of Phantomhive Manor, Ciel, Sebastian meet "Ciel". Ciel recalls his past. "Ciel" laughs, promises not to scold him for his lies and states that he is back. Ciel shakes, certain that he has seen "Ciel" die with his own eyes. Sebastian tells "Ciel" he would not be there if "Ciel" had not lost his life that night. Undertaker arrives and reveals that he rescued "Ciel"'s body from the fire that night because he would not be able to restore him if he were burnt to ashes. When Sebastian questions his motives, Undertaker admits that he cannot bear to lose another Phantomhive.[58]
Sebastian asks about his relationship with the Phantomhive family, with Undertaker replying to leave it to their imagination and that is now his concern anyway.[59] Then, Ciel then says that he is insane by bringing the dead back to life, which leads Undertaker to say that it is not important whether a person is alive or not—and is it not more important that he has his brother back? Afterward, Undertaker boasted that "Ciel" is his finest work and that he had even made sure to adjust "Ciel"'s growth to his brother's.[60]

Undertaker caring for "Ciel".
Sebastian evaluates that the Bizarre Dolls on the Campania and at Weston College must have been by-products in the process of resurrecting "Ciel", but Undertaker replies that the Bizarre Doll experiments started years before he started reviving "Ciel".[61]
After "Ciel" told his twin where he was and what he did in the past years,[62] Grelle Sutcliff bursts through the window.[63] They are followed by Othello who comes through the front door and announces that it is time for Undertaker to be punished.[64]
Undertaker and Othello taunt each other. Othello tosses his Death Scythe, but to no effect since he is physically weak, to the amusement of Undertaker.[65] Grelle launches into battle with Undertaker, and Sebastian joins in hopes of capturing Undertaker, as well.[66]
The fight is interrupted by the arrival of Fred Abberline and his Scotland Yard officers, Alexis Leon Midford, and Edward Midford. Elizabeth Midford steps out to corroborate "Ciel"'s account that Ciel is the impostor.[67]
After blood vials are seized and Ciel, Sebastian, and Blavat Sky are arrested for the Sphere Music Hall serial murders, Undertaker meets with "Ciel" in his study and asks if it was wise to let Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Snake go. "Ciel" says that he is excited at the notion of a serious fight with Ciel as he has never experienced one before.[68]
At night, "Ciel" reaches toward the moon out the window, but collapses. Undertaker catches him, noting that he has run out of time that day and needs to be replenished with blood. When "Ciel" complains that his frail body prevents him from being by Ciel's side, Undertaker tells him that, nevertheless, he looks "terribly happy."[69]
Blue Revenge Arc
In the drawing room, "Ciel" explains to Alexis and Francis Midford about the incident at the cathedral; Undertaker rescued him, and he has finally recovered. When Francis points out that Undertaker has not aged since Vincent Phantomhive's time, Undertaker parries the comment. Undertaker and Tanaka look on as Ciel discloses that he will request an audience with Queen Victoria to formally assume the responsibilities of the Earl of Phantomhive and the Queen's Watchdog.[70]
After Alexis and Francis leave, Undertaker lounges about in "Ciel"'s study as the latter prepares to perform his duties. When Tanaka mentions the necessity of recruiting new staff, "Ciel" asks Undertaker to handle the butler duties, but Undertaker declines and adds that Polaris and Vega are also unable to handle said duties, given that they are on a business trip to procure blood for "Ciel". "Ciel" dismisses Undertaker and Tanaka to concentrate on the paperwork.[71]

Undertaker sits by "Ciel"'s bed.
Later in the study, Undertaker urges "Ciel" to take a break but refuses to assist him in managing the estate as such does not pique his interest. "Ciel" leaves with Tanaka to the entrance hall.[72]
Sometime later, Undertaker idles while "Ciel" is being replenished with blood. Polaris enters and informs them that the blood factory in the north at Heathfield Manor has been dismantled and that Chris Heathfield has been taken into custody.[73]
"Ciel" is gleeful that his little brother has won the first round of their "first serious fight," a response that amuses Undertaker. Undertaker then looks on as Polaris throws a fit over their foiled operation and weeps at the prospect of losing "Ciel", his master, for he is "a butler, even in death."[74]
Out of Universe

Undertaker and his sotoba.
- According to the official Kuroshitsuji character popularity poll, Undertaker is the third most popular character in the series, with 1284 votes. He is ranked among the "Devil Six", a group of the highest ranking characters of the manga.[85]

- In battles, Undertaker would wield sotoba, which are inscribed strips of wood found at tombs in Japanese cemeteries.[86]
- Undertaker was first seen with sotoba in the extras of Volume 2, four years before he was depicted with them in the manga.[87]
- He was also depicted with sotoba on the cover of the 4th DVD of season 1 of the anime.
- Undertaker is the most handsome character in Kuroshitsuji.[88] [89]
- During the Luxury Liner Arc, Undertaker was dressed as Charlie Chaplin.[90] Ironically, Charlie Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889,[91] the day before the Campania set sail, 17 April 1889.[92]
- Undertaker's design was based on the design of the protagonist of a pirate manga Yana Toboso planned before she started working on Kuroshitsuji.[93]

Undertaker's statue.
- In the first season, Undertaker was a renowned Grim Reaper, who was ranked management level, and he had judged souls as famous as Marie Antoinette and Robin Hood. William T. Spears said that even crying children would have willingly given up their souls to him. He was highly respected by William, but he did not return the feelings, calling William "annoying and noisy."[94]
- A statue from his time as a legendary Grim Reaper is situated in the Grim Reaper Library.[95]
- His Death Scythe was shown in the anime before it was revealed in the manga.[96]
- On one of the character sheets for the first season of the anime Yana Toboso wrote that Undertaker did not have his scars when he was an active Grim Reaper.[93]
- During the making of the first season, Yana Toboso told the staff to make Undertaker's hair look like as if it has not been washed in long.[97]
- By Shūhei Izumi in That Butler, Friendship, The Most Beautiful DEATH in the World, Lycoris that Blazes the Earth, Noah's Ark Circus, and Tango on the Campania.
- By Kandai Ueda in The Public School's Secret.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 149, pages 6-7
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 149, page 7
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, page 14
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 105, page 10
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 32, page 6
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, page 23
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, page 18
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 13, page 19
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 4-5
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, page 9
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, page 20
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, page 10
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, page 14
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, pages 16-17
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 7-10
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 64, page 25
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 35, page 36
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 64, page 24
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 149, pages 8-9
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, page 5
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, pages 14-15
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, pages 16-18
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, pages 18-19
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, pages 19-21
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, pages 21-26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 13, page 3
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 13, page 16-21
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 24, pages 9-14
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 24, pages 14-17
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 35, pages 35-36
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 38, pages 19-20
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 49, page 37
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 50, pages 26-32
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, page 7
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, pages 18-20
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 52, pages 22-32
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 59, pages 11-12
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 59, pages 12-26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 59, pages 28-33
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, pages 4-17
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, pages 17-19
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, pages 20-26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 61, pages 3-8
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 61, pages 8-22
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 63, pages 37-39
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 64, pages 3-10
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 64, pages 17-27
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 82, pages 23-27
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 83, page 3
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 83, page 35
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, page 12
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, pages 15-18
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, pages 18-26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, page 27
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, page 29
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 105, pages 20-25
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 108, pages 21-26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 140, pages 11-19
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 4-5
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 5-6
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 7-8
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 9-15
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 15-17
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 141, pages 17-18
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 142, pages 4-10
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 142, pages 11-13
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 142, pages 14-20
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 145, pages 13-15
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 149, pages 17-20
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 151, pages 4-10
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 151, pages 10-16
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 151, pages 17-22
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 169, pages 15-16
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 169, pages 17-22
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, page 14
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 6, page 26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 13, pages 3-4
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 24, page 11
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 59, page 24
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 59, pages 32-33
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, page 17
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 82, page 26
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, pages 5-9
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 84, page 10
- ↑ June 2015 Issue of Square Enix's GFantasy Magazine
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 59, page 28
- ↑ Downstairs with Kuroshitsuji, Volume II
- ↑ "At the time when the Kuroshitsuji anime was aired (I guess it was season 1), I once met Mr. Junichi Suwabe, who is the voice actor of Undertaker.
He asked me: "What does Undertaker's face look like?"
and I answered: "He's the most beautiful man in Kuroshitsuji !!!! He's supposed to be really, really beautiful! Actually, he's going to play a very important role!"
I still remember that he then said to me: "Seriously!? But he slobbers!!(lol) Anyway, I'm looking forward to playing Undertaker when he enters his handsome mode some day."
(archived and translated by akumadeenglish) - ↑ Yana Toboso on Twitter
"Back during one of the recordings of anime season 1, I told Mr. Suwabe 'Undertaker actually is the most handsome character in Kuroshitsuji. If the series continues, I'd be glad if you played this handsome type of Undertaker someday.' 8 years have since passed and it has finally come true. I can't express how happy I am."
(translated by akumadeenglish) - ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 60, pages 12-13
- ↑ Wikipedia:Charlie Chaplin
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji manga; Chapter 51, page 15
- ↑ 93.0 93.1 Yana Toboso's planned pirate manga and Undertaker's scars
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji anime; Episode 23
- ↑ Kuroshitsuji anime; Episode 18
- ↑ Its anime debut, Episode 18, was in February 2008. Its manga debut, Chapter 61, was in September 2011.
- ↑ Yana Toboso on Twitter
(partially translated by akumadeenglish)
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How to Draw the Undertaker Black Butler
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